As we move into the holiday season, weight management can be difficult. Join us for a FREE weekly weight management group to help you lose weight and get the support you need. When: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm- Beginning September 11th, 2014 Location: Glendora Chamber of Commerce 224 N. Glendora Ave. Glendora, CA 91741 For more information email: info@lifestylemanagementsolutions.com […]
One of the critical times to pay attention to your nutritional needs is prior to your workout. The right pre-exercise snack can increase your stamina while pushing you to greater fitness levels. Interested in learning more, please read on… 6 Great Pre-Workout Snacks
While most people associate February with Valentine’s Day, it’s also American Heart Month, which offers an opportunity to deepen our knowledge and understanding of how to keep our hearts healthy as we celebrate our love. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that we minimize our risk factors one step at a time through diet, […]
The holidays can be a difficult time of year to stay on track with weight loss efforts. Between the family gatherings, parties and friendly get togethers, the calories can really pile up. Here are a few tips courtesy of the California Dietetic Association to help us get through the rest of the season without any […]
Did you know… High cholesterol is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease- the two leading causes of death in the U.S. Test Your Knowledge You need to have your cholesterol checked more often if… a.) Your total cholesterol is 200 mg/dL or higher. b.) You are a man older than age […]
Superfoods are commonly thought of as the superheroes of nutrients. So what happens when you pair up these nutritious gems? You get superfood dynamic duos that pack an extra punch and taste great together as well. http://www.acefitness.org/acefit/healthy-living-article/60/3462/superfood-dynamic-duos/
Celebrate Heart Health Month! A heart healthy diet can be delicious and simple to follow. The American Heart Association offers a number of free resources on their website (http://www.heart.org) to help you get started. Eating healthy doesn’t mean dieting. Instead, it’s best to aim for making your diet part of an overall healthier lifestyle. A […]
November is American Diabetes Month, which is a time when the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and other organizations raise awareness of diabetes and communicate the seriousness of the disease. What is Type 2 Diabetes? About 95% of those diagnosed with diabetes are classified as Type 2. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects […]
Summer often presents a difficult time of year to maintain a fitness regimen. Much of the difficulty appears to be in maintaining a routine. Between vacations, keeping the kids entertained on break, and other summertime events, fitness often gets pushed to the proverbial back burner. Inevitably, September arrives and we find ourselves a few pounds […]
The end of April marks the close of National Cancer Control month. In 2012, it’s estimated that 848,170 men and 790,740 women will be affected by cancer. Do you know how to lower your risk? Here’s a trivia question to ponder as we move into the summer season. A healthy diet can potentially lower […]