The end of April marks the close of National Cancer Control month. In 2012, it’s estimated that 848,170 men and 790,740 women will be affected by cancer. Do you know how to lower your risk? Here’s a trivia question to ponder as we move into the summer season.
A healthy diet can potentially lower your risk of developing the following types of cancer:
a.) Colon
b.) Breast
c.) Kidney
d.) All of the above
Answer: If you’ve answered “D” (All of the above) you are correct!!
A healthful diet, low in saturated/trans fats, high in fiber and antioxidants like the ones found in fruits and vegetables is not only a great way to lower your risk of many cancers, but also the perfect strategy to lose weight and improve one’s overall health. As summer approaches, we turn our attention to skin cancer. Decreasing your risk of skin cancer can be as simple as ensuring the proper use of a daily sunscreen and minimizing your UV exposure. For more information about cancer, contact the American Cancer Society at
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