What member of the rose family is a great tool in the battle of the bulge? If you guessed apples, you’d be right! Believe it or not, apples truly are a member of Rosaceae or the rose family and with the Fall season in “full bloom” it’s no wonder we turn our attention to this […]
It’s that time of year again. The kids are back in school, the holidays are right around the corner and it’s time to recommit to taking care of yourself. The difficult part always begs the question, where do I begin? One of the first things that I ask my clients seeking weight management is why […]
Getting the proper amount of hydration is not only important in the summer months, but throughout the year as well. Water is one of the single most important elements in our body. It regulates our body temperature, helps our digestion and even provides a cushiony barrier around our organs. Those who participate in regular exercise […]
A foodborne illness (more commonly called food poisoning) can occur when we eat contaminated food that contains pathogenic bacteria, viruses or actual parasites. The statistics of occurrence are overwhelming. According to the FDA, foodborne pathogens are responsible for 76 million gastrointestinal illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5000 deaths each year in the United States. Summertime picnics […]
Over 70 million people in the United States attempt to lose weight each year and spend more than $30 billion in the process. Many will be successful at losing the initial weight; however sadly most will be unable to keep it off for very long. Why is this the case? I believe part of the […]
Over the last 20 years, the food pyramid has served as a major nutritional icon. On June 2, 2011, First Lady, Michelle Obama along with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack unveiled in a press release the latest tool to aid in the battle of obesity, MyPlate (ChooseMyPlate.gov). MyPlate, the new symbol of appropriately balanced meals, […]
Pop Quiz: What disease is the #1 cause of death for women? If you said breast cancer, you would be wrong – it’s heart disease. Typically, heart disease and stress related problems were associated with men and their health. But changes in our society, eating habits, and lifestyles have turned the tables. Studies show that […]
Early in my career, I’ve had the privilege of developing several specific health improvement programs for a major insurance carrier. At the time, I was unaware of the impact our development team was making on all the lives we touched. The truth is, we created programs that not only improved quality of life for the […]
Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most basic things we can do to improve our health and lower our risk of chronic disease. Yet so many of us who try to lose weight find that the high motivation at the beginning of their new regime soon gives rise to despair and disappointment when […]
As many people begin a plan to reduce their caloric intake, they often think about what they are eating. The truth is cutting calories means more than watching what you eat; it’s also about what you drink. Did you know that people consume about 400 calories each day just from beverages alone? This equates to […]